Luminos: Bi-directional microscopy software
Luminos is a MATLAB library for bi-directional microscopy: simultaneous high-speed imaging and patterned optical stimulation.
Core features
- Built-in functions for stimulation via DMD, or galvo targeting, and detection via camera or point-scanning (confocal or 2P) techniques
- Simultaneous use of multiple stimulation and/or imaging modalities
- Complex experimental protocols, e.g. integration of animal behavior, targeted optogenetic stimulation, voltage imaging, and electrophysiology
- Maps all stimulation and recording devices to a single spatial and temporal coordinate system with sub-pixel and sub-frame registration accuracy.
- Saves comprehensive metadata on instrument state with every acquisition
- A modular Matlab core that allows for easy integration of arbitrary devices
- Intuitive and customizable UI written in JavaScript with React (opens in a new tab)
- Low-level C++ code for high-speed data streaming and synchronization
Hardware requirements
See supported hardware.
Here are some cool things you can do.

Simultaneous targeted optogenetic stimulation and high-speed voltage imaging (paper (opens in a new tab))

Calcium imaging of the first zebrafish heartbeats (paper (opens in a new tab))

Optogenetic patterning of morphogen gradients in zebrafish embryos

Optical pooled screens via targeted photo-tagging of selected cells (paper (opens in a new tab))